Plot a hypnodensity graph using `ggplot2`. Hypnodensity can be read from file or returned by the `score_stages_edf` function.
A hypnodensity dataframe as returned by the `score_stages_edf` function.
Vector of stages labels to plot.
Vector of colors to use.
A `ggplot2` hypnodensity graph.
Stephansen, J.B., Olesen, A.N., Olsen, M., Ambati, A., Leary, E.B., Moore, H.E., Carrillo, O., Lin, L., Han, F., Yan, H. and Sun, Y.L., 2018. Neural network analysis of sleep stages enables efficient diagnosis of narcolepsy. Nature communications, 9(1), p.5229.
download.file("", "hypnodensity.csv")
hypnodensity <- read.csv2("hypnodensity.csv")
}, error = function(e) {
print("Error executing this example, check your internet connection.")